Ai in Education: whatever happened to marginal gains Reg?

As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted…

It has been 10 years since I last posted here. There are various reasons for that: international moves across Singapore, Shanghai and Dubai, where the first two of those destinations had a much lower internet presence. But my hiatus was also sparked by a disenchantment with the understanding school communities had in the early 2000s with online etiquette, at least in South London.

However my conscience was poked by my very good friend Tom Barrett, who is now based in Melbourne Australia, to get back into the blogosphere as the world of education wrestles with a new challenge.

There are few hotter topics right now than the role of Ai in education and I was delighted to debate this with Tom and Chris Buswell recently on Tom’s excellent Dialogic series. Do check it out

So, as it was only recently that nobody asked me, and not for the first time, here are my thoughts about Ai in Education, click on the image to see me in non-Ai glorious technicolour.

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